ARTO Shopian conducts vehicle checking, realizes Rs 2.32 lakh fine

Time & Us
Last Updated: September 7, 2017 at 2:05 am

SHOPAIN: Following the reports of overloading and traffic norms violation, ARTO Shopian on Wednesday conducted vehicle checking and realized Rs 2.32 lakh fine from the defaulters.

A special naka was laid by Assistant Regional Transport Officer (ARTO) Shopian and checked more than hundred vehicles during the day.

During the checking, ARTO Shopian challaned 250 vehicles for various violations committed against traffic rules and seized 5 passenger vehicles. He was accompanied by Inspector and other officials from Motor Vehicles Department (MVD) Shopian.

Meanwhile the inspection team informed the people about their duties towards observing traffic norms and road safety rules. He said it was prime duty of the commuters to raise their voice against overloading and use of mobile phones by the drivers at the time of driving.

They also seized some tractors and tippers who were involved in the illegal extraction of minerals from Nallahs of Rambi Ara, Sasa, Vishu and Tongri without any permission from competent authority.