A study finds that the risk of venous thromboembolism – a type of blood clot that starts in a vein – was associated with height, with the lowest risk being in shorter participants.
The taller you are, the more likely you may be at risk of developing blood clots in veins, according to new study of over two million siblings.
The findings showed that the risk of venous thromboembolism – a type of blood clot that starts in a vein – was associated with height, with the lowest risk being in shorter participants.
“Height in the population has increased, and continues increasing, which could be contributing to the fact that the incidence of thrombosis has increased,” said lead researcher Bengt Zoller, associate professor at Lund University in Sweden.
According to Zoller, gravity may influence the association between height and venous thromboembolism risk. “It could just be that because taller individuals have longer leg veins there is more surface area where problems can occur,” Zoller said.
“There is also more gravitational pressure in leg veins of taller persons that can increase the risk of blood flow slowing or temporarily stopping.”
For the study, reported in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics, the team looked at data on more than 1.6 million Swedish men born between 1951 and 1992, and data on more than one million Swedish women who had a first pregnancy between 1982 and 2012.
For men shorter than 5 feet 3 inches, the risk for venous thromboembolism dropped 65% when compared to the men 6 feet 2 inches or taller.