Sham Choudhary inaugurates ‘Swachhata Hi Seva’ sanitation campaign

Time & Us
Last Updated: September 16, 2017 at 1:46 am

Andrabi for taking collective initiatives to preserve natural resources

SRINAGAR:  In order to carry it forward and realize the dream of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi’s clean India, the Minister for Public Health Engineering (PHE), Irrigation and Flood Control (I&FC)  Sham Lal Choudhary today inaugurated ‘Swachhata Hi Seva’ a nation-wide sanitation campaign in Kashmir.

Minister of State for Haj & Auqaf, PHE and Irrigation & Flood Control, Syed Farooq Ahmad Andrabi was also present on the occasion.

To create awareness on environmental cleanliness in the entire State ‘Swachhata Hi Seva’ cleanliness campaign, will be observed from 15th September upto Gandhi Jayanti on 2nd October.

Speaking the occasion, Sham Choudhary announced that an amount of five lake rupees would be given for face lifting of the department’s establishments in every division across Kashmir.

He added that concerned Chief engineers will be supervise the process and on 2nd October concerned engineers will be awarded on the basics of their performance.

Sham Choudhary impressed upon the PHE employees to ensure active and whole hearted participation by mobilizing all the resources and manpower to make the nationwide sanitation campaign ‘Swachhata Hi Seva’ a success.

He urged that all PHE establishments should be maintained neat and clean by putting in extra efforts of removing the garbage and providing adequate number of dustbins, besides white washing of walls before 2nd October.

Sham Choudhary urged all officers to accelerate Swachhata activities during the September15th to October 2nd 2017 and pledged to continue the drive to make a better eco-friendly environment.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Farooq Andrabi said that the preservation, conservation and rejuvenation of water resources is our priority.

He said the officers as well as employees should be entrusted with the responsibility to keep department’s establishments clean, plant trees in their surroundings and keep premises garbage free.

The Minister said that Jammu and Kashmir is a tourist State which needs to take good care of its natural resources.

He urged for taking innovative and collective initiatives to  replenish the green cover and restore ecological diversity to attract the nature lovers.

Secretary PHE, I &FC Saurabh Bhagat, Chief Engineer PHE Kashmir G.M Bhat, Chief Engineer PHE Jammu A K Gandotra, Chief Engineer I&FC P Jammu N Bali, Officers and employees of the departments were present of the occasion.