Another PSA slapped on Asiya Andrabi, her aide: Dukhtaran

Time & Us
Last Updated: August 18, 2017 at 10:54 pm

Srinagar, Aug 18, CNS: The government has slapped a fresh Public Safety Act on Dukhtaran-e-Millat chairperson, Asiya Andrabi and her personal secretary Sofi Fehmeeda.

A spokesperson of DeM said that as the previous PSA expired on August 15, a fresh PSA was slapped against Andrabi and Sofi Fehmeeda on Thursday.

The duo was booked under PSA and lodged in Ambphalla jail on May 15 and now lodgement was further extended, she said.

Meanwhile, in a statement, the Secretary General of DeM, Nahoda Nasreen said that that the fresh PSA was slapped at a time when the party chairperson’s health condition is extremely critical. “The government is resorting to extremely oppressive measures against the ailing woman leader. Isn’t this a clear proof that the government is hell-bent to make this family suffer only because they are resisting against the occupation. There cannot be a worst example of political vengeance than this.” (CNS)