The broader NSE Nifty gave up the 9,600 level, slumping 868.25 points or 8.30% to close at 9,590.15. The BSE Sensex plunged over 2,919 points on Thursday in its biggest one-day fall in absolute terms as the coronavirus pandemic wreaked havoc on global markets. After nosediving over 3,204.30 points during.
Fuel prices: Petrol rises 8 -12 p/l; diesel unchanged New Delhi, Jul 18: .
JK produces 20000 tons of fish annually, 93000 people dependent on fisheries sector Srinagar,.
SRINAGAR, MAY 07: The field executives of Legal Metrology Department today conducted.
SRINAGAR ; Petrol price was hiked Friday by 19 paise per litre and diesel by 28 paise, the second increase.
Foreign Exchange Reserves are the foreign currencies held by India’s Reserve Bank of India. They.
Panel to review modalities for implementation.
“Collaborate with educational institutions in far flung areas to inspire youth of the state” Jammu,.
Srinagar, Nov 23 : J&K Bank today announced creation of a Distressed Apple Growers.
NEW DELHI: Petrol price has been cut by almost Rs 2 per litre and diesel by nearly Re 1 a litre in the.