Deleting Bill seeking ban on beef unconstitutional, murder of democracy: Er Rasheed

Accuses NC of joining hands with BJP to implement RSS agenda

Last Updated: June 30, 2016 at 7:47 am

Srinagar: AIP Supremo and MLA Langate Er Rasheed has condemned government for sabotaging the Bill seeking revocation on Beef in the State and termed the move as unconstitutional and murder of democracy.

In a statement issued here, he said it worth to mention that the Bill was introduced in the last session and government managed to buy time and ensured that the Bill doesn’t come up for the discussion.

“However it was a constitutional requirement that the Bill has to be taken for discussion and vote on the topmost priority in the next session, however the Bill didn’t figure in the list of business today when private members bills were taken for discussion,” he said.

Er Rasheed alleged that Speaker has bypassed the norms and misused his position and has thus damaged his own integrity and credibility of the House.

Er Rasheed said, “If ministers can say in broad day light without caring for the sentiments of Muslims that government can’t ban alcohol in the State, why does it use unconstitutional ways and means to stop the anti-ban Bill on Beef? If BJP-PDP coalition has decided to implement RSS agenda in State, it could have defeated the Bill on the floor of the House rather murdering the spirit of democracy, but PDP knowing the consequences of going against the Bill preferred to murder it by misusing Speaker’s powers. However we need not any permission from the government and its institutions and nobody on earth can stop us from eating or practising all that what Islam permits.”

Er Rasheed lashed out at NC members and reminded Omar Abdullah who was in the House, that last year NC had also brought the same Bill but ironically today kept criminal silence when the Bill was missing from the business, thus proving beyond doubt that NC was never sincere in bringing the Bill in the last session but wanted just to score political points and has directly helped the alliance in implementing RSS agenda.

Er Rasheed walked out of the Assembly and said that he will try to find alternate options to protect the right to eat beef, as Assembly has miserably united against the fundamental rights of Muslims.

“In the afternoon, Assembly rejected Er Rasheed’s Bill by a voice vote, seeking it mandatory for children of MLAs, Ministers, government employees and bureaucrats should get admission in government schools only,” the AIP added.

He said that by not supporting the Bill MLAs and government stand exposed and have proven that they treat themselves highly privileged as compared to common man and don’t want children of poor and common masses to be at par with their children.

Er Rasheed added that the Bill would have definitely improved functioning of government schools and privileged class would have been forced to pay due attention towards deteriorating educational standard in government schools.