Drinking water supply restored in Hajin 0.6 MGD filtration plant, 1.5 lac gallon over head Tank to be made functional this year: Ch Zulfikar

Last Updated: June 27, 2016 at 9:05 am

Srinagar: Minister for CA&PD Ch. Zulfikar Ali today said that the scarcity of water supply in Sonawari constituency has been caused due to prevailing dry spell, diversion of water for Irrigation and use of online booster pumps.

Replying to a calling attention notice moved by Mr. Mohammad Akbar Lone regarding scarcity of drinking water in Sonawari constituency, the Minister said that in Hajin there was a disruption of water supply for some time due to erosion of road along the bank of river Jehlum which caused damage to 250 mm dia supply main, further adding that the water supply has now been restored.

The Minister while replying on behalf of PHE Minister said that construction of 0.6 MGD filtration plant and 150000 Gallon over head tank is being executed and will be made functional during current financial year.

He said that currently the Malpora and S. K. Bala receive drinking water supply from Sadrakote Bal with source as tube well and Government is trying to explore some alternate possibility for augmenting the water supply to Malpora area. Regarding Wazpora village, Minister said a scheme of Rs.3.94 Crore was formulated but there is an embargo from MODW&S Government of India not to take up any new scheme under NRDWP, till the completion of ongoing schemes. He, however, said that necessary measures will be taken-up to provide drinking water by other means till the new scheme executed.

Ch. Zulfkar Ali informed the House that there is a proposal for laying a separate 50mm dia sub main for Bonpora habitation, which will augment water supply to the area.

Intervening in the matter, Minister of state for PHE Syed Farooq Ahmad Andrabi said that he has directed the department to resolve the issues pertaining to the PHE sector in Sonawari constituency.