Dy Speaker reviews power scenario in Gurez

Time & Us
Last Updated: September 16, 2017 at 1:53 am

Stresses on PDD to expedite work on transmission line

SRINAGAR: Deputy Speaker, Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly, Nazir Ahmed Gurezi today convened a meeting of Officers and Engineers of Power Development Department (PDD) to review the status of work on various power projects and Bandipora-Gurez Transmission Line.

The Deputy Speaker asked the concerned authorities to start the work of Transmission line immediately as the DPR have already been approved for the purpose. It was also asked to make appropriate provisions for storage of diesel used in power generators to check the shortage of electricity in Gurez valley.

Gurezi asked the Commissioner Secretary, PDD to provide adequate funds and directed the concerned authorities to start the works on installation of transmission line and construction of towers so that the people of these remote areas could be benefitted.

The Deputy Speaker has asked the concerned to immediately issue tenders for Bandipora-Gurez transmission Line so that it is completed within stipulated time frame.

Commissioner Secretary, Power Development Department, Dheeraj Gupta informed the Committee about the pace of work under different schemes including DDUGJY. He also assured that the all un-electrified hamlets of the area will be provided electricity soon.

Chief Engineer, M&RE, Kashmir, Shehnaz Goni, Director Finance, PDD, Superintendent Engineer M&RE Bandipora besides senior officers and engineers of PDD were also attended the meeting.