FCS&CA to install PoS machines on pilot basis from Oct 25: Zulfkar Ali

Time & Us
Last Updated: October 7, 2017 at 1:53 am

SRINAGAR: Minister for Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs (FCS&CA) and Information, Chowdhary Zulfkar Ali today directed the concerned to start installation of Point of Sales (PoS) machines on pilot basis in government food outlets, Fair Price Shops (FPS) from October 25.

Speaking during a review meeting, the Minister said installation of PoS machines is an important aspect in the implementation of electronic Public Food Distribution System (ePDS). He directed to start the installation work on pilot basis from the district Samba so that whatever, technical glitches come forward during the process get addressed before replicating the same to the entire State.

Highlighting the importance of the project, the Minister said the installation of PoS machines would enable the department to remotely keep a track of all kind of financial transactions being done in Government food stores or FPSs. The Minister said the PoS which will have finger touch or smart card technology would greatly help in making the system transparent as it would reveal the complete information about the transactions done at FPS and on stores.

The meeting was informed that under the project around 7000 PoS machines would be installed in the entire State, and the process would be completed in around next three months.

Keeping the harsh winter in mind, the Minister said the installation work should be completed at an earliest. Chowdhary Zulfkar Ali said winter is approaching and with heavy snowfall during the month accessibility to many remote areas becomes extremely difficult.

Commissioner Secretary FCS&CA Department Shafiq Ahmed Raina, Director Kashmir FCS&CA Nissar Ahmad Wani, and other concerned were present in the meeting.