Governor inaugurates Grade Separator at TRC Junction in Srinagar

Last Updated: May 9, 2019 at 9:36 pm

Governor inaugurates Grade Separator at TRC Junction in Srinagar

Srinagar, May 9: Governor Satya Pal Malik on Thursday inaugurated the Grade Separator at the TRC Junction in the summer capital, Srinagar.

An official spokesperson said that this Grade Separator, which was conceived during the Traffic Surveys done for the preparation of Comprehensive Mobility Plan for Srinagar City in the year 2013, has been built by the Economic Reconstruction Agency, with the objective to decongest the traffic at the TRC Junction.

“The main limb of this Grade Separator is from Sonawar to Linz side (405 metres) and it has another diversion- J&K Bank Limb (225 metres) so that commuters who go towards M.A. Road from Sonawar can use the Limb to directly reach the M A Road,” he said.

Congratulating the executing agencies, the Governor noted that this new infrastructure will facilitate the commuters in Srinagar to great extent and regulate the traffic flow at the ever busy TRC Junction.