Mir Zahoor inspects site for Sheep Farm at Khimber

Time & Us
Last Updated: August 19, 2017 at 1:55 am

SRINAGAR: Minister of State for Forest, Environment, Animal & Sheep Husbandry, Fisheries and Cooperative, Mir Zahoor Ahmad today visited Khimber Chaterhama and inspected the proposed land for establishment of farm for the flock of Sheep that was moved out from Dachigam National Park.
MLA Sonawar, Mohammad Ashraf Mir, Director Sheep Husbandry Kashmir and other Senior Officers of Sheep Husbandry Department accompanied the Minister.
On the occasion, the Minister was informed that presently there are 211 sheep available in the Farm that are being accommodated in temporary pens. It was also informed that the department is facing certain difficulties that have arisen due to this move, which need immediate redressal.
The Minister assured the Department that the Government is very serious about expediting the transfer of land and efforts are underway to resolve this issue on priority. He said that in this regard a meeting with the Divisional Commissioner Kashmir and other concerned Departments including Revenue will be convened shortly to discuss and resolve the bottlenecks. He assured that every necessary step will be undertaken to ensure quick transfer of State land located at Khimber Chatterhama to Sheep Husbandry Department.
The Minister asked the Sheep Husbandry Department to prepare a comprehensive plan for setting up of the Farm and submit it to the concerned quarter for necessary sanctions and arrangements of funds.
Mir Zahoor asked the concerned to work with utmost dedication and aware general masses about the importance and benefits of sheep rearing.